Friday, March 31, 2017

Lost and Found: A Young Officer’s Notebook (1962)

The other day I ran across one of my notebooks from my early days in policing. I don’t know where any of the other notebooks are, but I found this one among my books.

For a bit of history, I have included my notes in today’s post.

In 1962, I had just recently joined the Minneapolis Police Department after spending two years in Edina, a wealthy suburb of Minneapolis. I joined the Edina Police Department in the spring of 1960 just after finishing four years of service in the Marines. I left the Marines in order to pursue a college education.

In January, 1962, I was hired by the Minneapolis. I was a 2-1/2 year police “veteran” when this notebook was written. Well over ½ century has passed since that time. Some things change… others stay the same.

What was happening in 1962?

We patrolled in two-man squad cars there were no uniformed women police officers; a few women, however, worked as plainclothes officers in our juvenile division. We had no portable radios or body armor. We carried 6-shot revolvers and a shotgun was mounted in each patrol car. After I was hired, I attended a 4-week police academy.

After the academy, I was assigned to the 1st precinct in downtown Minneapolis. During June, I worked the day shift and recorded activities in my trusty spiral notebook as the following notable events were happening in America:

  • June 6 – President John F. Kennedy, having now been president for over a year, gives the commencement address at the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York. The following year he was assassinated in Dallas.
  • June 11 – In the world of Corrections, Prisoners Frank Morris, John Anglin and Clarence Anglin escape from the Alcatraz Island prison; the men are never heard from again.
  • June 15 – The anti-war movement begins. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) in the United States complete the Port Huron Statement. Soon anti-war protests and demands for voting rights and public accommodations by African-Americans were to increase in number and intensity. These demands were met with violence from police in many of our nation’s urban areas.
  • June 25 — The times were a-changing. In Engel v. Vitale, the United States Supreme Court rules that mandatory prayers in public schools are unconstitutional and in MANual Enterprises v. Day, they rule that photographs of nude men are not obscene, thereby permitting the publishing of male pornographic magazines.
  • In June, the climate change argument begins as Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring begins serialization in The New Yorker creating the environmental movement.
  • Later in the year, Algeria gains independence from France, Marilyn Monroe dies, NASA launches the Mariner space probe, Pres. Kennedy calls for a “man on the moon,” the Cuban Missile Crisis occurs, the U.N. condemns Apartheid in South Africa, and Mike Mansfield becomes the first U.S. Senator to question the war in Vietnam and its progress.

Six years later, during the nights of April 5-6, I stood in a line of police officers on Plymouth Avenue, shotguns at the ready, to quell disturbances from then “Negro” demonstrators. [You can read more about this in Arrested Development: A Veteran Police Chief Sounds Off…”


My Notebook: June, 1962

[I was assigned to squad #117 with Officer Stahl. Squad 117 was a downtown unit out of the 1st precinct. I recall I may have also walked the beat at Grant and Nicollet during this time.] 

Officer D. C. Couper, MPD, Badge #616, June, 1962

[Various departmental phone numbers written back of the front cove in including numbers for the Coroner’s Office and Driver’s License Bureau.]

June 3

1130 [hours]: Unsecured Business, 9 E. 16th St., secured.

1245:  “Cleo” with A.A., 212 Grant St. Carmen, 19 yrs. old, red hair, w/negroes.

1515: DK (drunk) at (White) Castle [corner of Grant and Nicollet].

June 4

0818: Larceny from barge (barge on south bank of Mississippi River, west of Great Northern trestle. Broke window, exited through rear hatch. Chain hoist and tools stolen.

1144: Indiana KA 1144, negroes, lt. turquoise, 62 Cad(illac) CV.

ZE 797 Cad, 61, CV, purple, negroes.

Burg. Business, 817 Portland, no loss as of yet, entry by rear window, most likely  juveniles, no attempt on Coke machine or safe.

Vandalism to Business, Auto-Miles Warehouse, 160 Glenwood, 5 windows broken in rear of building, third occurrence.

1315: Sick Call, 612 So. 8th St. James Clapp, apt 164, unable to care for himself, living in filth, urinated in pants.

1500: Wild Woman. Cassius Bar, 3rd St. Mrs. E. Brady, tried to cut bartender, advised and sent home.

1530: 4 DKs, 200 No, 1st St (rear) sleeping in shed. James Barnett, Ellsworth Larson, Charles Little, Art Durrant.

June 5

1110: DK, Jack Kerr, 420 No. 5th St. Witnesses stated he fell off a loading platform on No. 5th Ave. Staggered. Obviously DK.

1210: DK, 706 So. 9th St. Olaf Volstad. Fell over wheelbarrow, smelled of liquor, incoherent, Description: 55 yrs, grey hair, 135#, green trousers, blue jacket, blue baseball hat. Comp. of landlady, Mrs. Hansen.

1415: 2 DKs, Willard Johnson, St. James Hotel, passed out against building, obviously drunk. Harold “Smoky” Wake, front of Union City Mission.

1445: 2 DKs, Harvey Brown, Jim Austin.

1530: DK, John Gaspeder, Tower Bar; Jerry, witness. Belligerent, odor, staggered, antagonistic. Stated he had teeth out – that’s why he was drunk. Supposedly took swing at bartender who hit him. Had cut above eye – blood on shirt.

June 6

1230: Cassanova, Nicollet and 4th St., Mpls Housing and Redevelopment, nuisance – open areas, DK hangout, called dispatcher.

1400: Red light out, 6th and Marquette, called in.

[Ed. Note: There’s an entry about contacting Minnesota Skydivers, phone numbers, meeting info, etc. This would not become a reality until years later in 2001 when I took up parachuting again after my military experience.]

June 11

0845: David Warren, 8 yrs, [lost boy?] 916 Newton No., Child Protection, Miss Paine, reunited with mother.

1300: DOA. Body found by Myrtle Feldman at 1245, 1430 Spruce, Kenesaw Hotel. E,L. Zimmerman, room 410. Seen yesterday, glasses not broke.

[Sketch of body position in room.]

Homicide assisted, Det. Krueger. Case #45396.

June 12

0800: Break In. Hansord Pontiac., undet. Loss, broke in cigarette machine, entry on west side thru lot. Exit south side through window. Reported by Don Welch, 15 W. 17th St., service manager. C#45637

0810: Medical. Nancy Herzberg, 21 yrs 2314 2nd St. N.E. 3 foot north of light pole – bus stop. Front of 1116 Hennepin, hole in sidewalk, wearing high heels. Gibson 943, Bus 1159, right ankle, employed at 41 No. 12th St. C# 45628.

1155: Speeding, 40 in a 30. Richard Leo Welch, 10601 Cedar Lake Rd. On Willow, Grant to Harmon, children present.

1420: Fischer Shell, 1127 Henn. Ave., James Aramada, 2910 Zenith No. State credit card from Shell [number]. Wellington Shay, 799 Cedar, St. Paul, 808 5th Ave. SE, Rochester. 6’, 160, lt. short sleeve shirt “Alfa Creamery,” dk. Lt. grey pants, 28-30, lt. blond.

6-25859 (’62 Florida). Det. Johnson, Burglary.

June 13

1030: Suspicious man (party belonged), 1219 Irving. Paul Edward Johnson, 916 5th St. S.E., in house. Alice Simmons, Pillsbury, rooms here. Joyce? Rooms with Alice. Ted Simmons, Jasper, Minn. House belongs to Allen Tate, 2019 Irving. Reported by – Charles H. Foster, 2216 Newton.

1305: DK. Steven Wenker. Sleeping in Pioneer Park. Obviously DK, unsteady.

June 15

0803: Burglary business. Kanter’s Grocery, 1628 Laurel, undet. amount of cigarettes and food goods. Charles Kanter, 3230 Parkview. 6/14 7:25 pm – 6/15 7:40 am. Thru rear door, breaking out section of door panel and crawling thru 10”x24”. Canned goods, meats, cheese, etc, scattered inside and outside. C# 46655. Erikson stamps found outside store in porch. Burglar started fire. Impossible for beat man or squad to check building as rear door is inaccessible by foot or squad. A 5 ½ foot fence surrounds rear area.

0905: Attempt suicide mental. C# 46663. Lawrence Coulter, 38, 1706 10th Ave. Mrs. Arnold Amundson, sister. Cut ear – left, w/pocket knife. Heard noise wanted them to stop. Treatment at General [Hospital]. Sister stated that prior to the incident he was very withdrawn and wouldn’t speak to anyone. Dr. Brandt.

1100: Medical. Kathleen Dwyer, 10 yrs., Mrs. Franklin Doles, mother. 101 Spruce Place. Fell in lady’s room in Loring Park while having a seizure. Reported – Mary McNight, supervisor, rec. director., 3829 Pillsbury.

1230: Felony warrant. James Alhoff, Rt. 4, Box 614, Mound; Downtown Plymouth, 1515 Hennepin. Anoka Cty. Sheriff, abandonment.

1515: Petit larceny. Found by Delores Johnson, 4641 2 ½ St. N.E. 4 Toshiba leakproof, 5v batteries – $1.00, attempt to steal Am-FM 10 trans. Radio, “Penneys” brand. Earphone and jacks – $3.00. In custody of Earl Ewing, 2453 Lyndale So. who apprehended. Clarence Richards, 24, 1418 11th Ave. No. w/Reynold. C# 46765, misd. Booking.

June 19

1100: Mental. Lois Leaks, to psychiatric at General [Hospital] via squad 116. Walking barefoot around Nicollet Avenue. Found at Snake Pit [Bar], irrational, word has that she is being taken advantage of (second time), 40 E. 22nd St. (??).

1525: No plates. Frank Stanley Malinowski, 10/21/44 or 43, Rt. 1, Box 248, Thorp, Wisc. ’53 Ford, green. Wisc DL 1359276, 406.010, no plates.

June 22

1325 DK, Eddie Anderson, 121 Hennepin. Negro, drunk on street, bothering citizens.

June 23

0837: Stolen car. JU 242, ’51 Merc, 4d, black. 2 youths, 18-21, med. height. Walked south on Fremont. No key in ignition. 1 Bulova watch in glove compartment. 1 jacket (Penney’s) Misc. parts in glove compt. No fresh damage. Reported by Don Hansen, 1825 Fremont, 2304 Pillsbury. 3F 2758. Found by 603.

1140: DK. Hastings Park, 12th & Hawthorne. Bert Adams, 68 yrs. Urinated on ground. Children present. Lying on park bench. Obviously drunk.

1240: PI, H&R [Personal Injury Accident, Hit and Run]. Red VW, 50’s grey hair, eye glasses, tall. Michael Kozial, 3-1/2 yrs. Apt 206, injured leg, Mrs. Patti Kozial, caretaker. Arlyn Jensen, apt, 101, called police.

Wanted. Irvin Duby, 60 yrs., deaf-mute.

1520: Larceny. Concord Motel, 65 So. 11th St., Lou Hahn, owner. 317 W. 5th St. Robert Davis, 5F 9341, 252 Superior St. Jerry Patterson, Mike Miller (same address). Virgil Schmidt, registered above. Time: Bet. 6:25 pm, 6/22 and 9 am, 6/23. Serial numbers will be called in.

Admiral 17”, portable TV, white plastic case. 2 others stolen on 6/2. Room 11 and 16, $27.00. Spot radio and TV. 2403 Nicollet.

June 24

4F 8261, ’54 Ford, brown, TV thief from motels.

June 26

Escapee: Moose Lake State Hosp. Robert Wayne Lamieande, 21, 6’, 138, blue eyes, brown hair.

Wanted FBI: Unlawful flight. Milen McNeal, W, M, 25, 5-9, 160. Mike Andry, W, M, 23, 5-11, 160. Jack Taylor and wife. ’62 Valiant, white, Texas UD 398, Kentucky unk, Ind. NA 1615.

Burglary and parole, Sisseton, S.D.

From Washington: Roger Dalton, 28, 6-2, 180. Frank Seiner, 28, 6, 160. Neb. 70-4505,  white/green, ’57 Buick.

Glen Lake escapee: Dennis Keck, 14, 5-2, 120, blond hair

Deserter: Melvin Pewash, Clifford Pewash. Donald L. Wright, 1326 No. Lyndale.

June 27

0310: Burglary biz. Woody Peterson’s Standard Station, 54th & Chicago. $400 cash, ready to load up tires, heard noise, called squads 552, 333. Report by 552. Supp. Report. Mrs. Clark, 5409 Columbus, 0200-0300, 2 youths. Light t-shirts and dk. pants. On bicycles. Fled south on alley. One youth burglarized while other was lookout. Possibly someone is hiring kids to break-in and set up tires, oil, etc. for later removal by car. [Note: What was I doing up at 3 a.m? This was a few blocks away from my home on 44th and 15th Ave.]

Escapee Shakopee. 3 women, ’60 Chev, 4D 5454, 2t brown. Federal probation. Lawrence Elliot O’Brien, aka Vince O’Brien, MT 5808 (stolen) lt. green ’55 Ford.

June 28

1115: DK. Hawthorne Vessey, 42. Drinking wine, rear of Snake Pit [Bar], obviously drunk, lives North Mpls.

Alert: Authority Chief of Police, St. Paul. Bank alert, Sibley Manor, Highland Park, South Mpls – Franklin – LaSalle, 7 Corners.

June 29

Wanted: Capt. Englund, Larceny Division, 1723 Russell, 43, 5-6, 170, curly hair, Roman nose.

1145: Breaking & Entering. Miss Bergefeldt, apt A1, 2000 Stevens, 1st floor offense happened. Last night, advised to see City Attny. Landlord will take her downtown. James Collins, 2nd floor, advised.

1310: Chronic drunks. Harper + Arndt in room 4a – advised caretaker.

1345: Overdose. Attempt Suicide. C# 51819. Mary Meeker, 26 yrs., wife. James Meeker, reported husband. 1827 Kenwood Pwky, 2nd floor. “Placadyl” sleeping pills – taken from mother-in-law. Patient at Glenwood Hills, Dr. Gross. General Hospital, Dr. Bandt.

1430: Shoplifter. Held for Larceny Division. David Perkins, 25, 97 Spruce Pl. Sweigerts ring, silver. $.74 price. Seen at checkout stand with goods in shirt. Del Bauers (owner) caught suspect on tip from delivery man. Taken to jail. C# 51831. W/[Off.] Eck. Def. stated he was hungry & took the meat. Offense report and show-up made.

June 30

1055: Attempt suicide. Reported by Lucille Josephson, apt 3, 317 Groveland. C# 52254. Offense at 0300. Victim: Lee Thompson, 23, apt. 1, Hotel Hastings. Dr. Wagner, Medical Arts Building. Took a bottle of “Placadyl,” took about 60 tablets from Lucille.

1130: Sick call. Harry Schmidt, 62, 1607 Clinton, apt. 11. Fell, possibly slight stroke. Robert Nima will assist.

1340: Larceny from yard. On line overnight (1700, 6/29 to 0900, 6/30). 6 beach towels, $10.00. Mrs. Gerald Snyder, 2111 Humboldt, 24th & Hennepin Red Owl. C# 52304.

1500: Drunken woman. Danti’s Bar, Pete Ryan, bouncer. Profane language, obviously drunk. Had to be dragged out of bar after placed under arrest. Near riot. Arrested Virginia Gertig, 63, 1717 LaSalle. Assisted by 605. To jail by wagon.

[Shift change from days to nights: 0000-0800]

0345: Arlin Jensen, Y25-253. Mrs. Huisbay, apt. 7, 2109 Aldrich. Advised. Cross stories. Parking problem. W/[Odd.] Hanninen.

July 2

0145: Medical assist. Melburn Townsend. Grand Rapids. Jeffrey Crow, 2 days. 8N 3680.

0155: DK. Bandbox [Restaurant], Franklin and Lyndale. Norman Hanson, 24, 1927 Hennepin. Drinking beer in restaurant, said he wasn’t. One can of Grain Belt spilled on counter and over his person. Would not clean beer up.

[The month’s activity was recorded on the last page]

Felony: 1 (warrant).

Misd: 19


Moving: 11

Parking: 22

Booked: 0

Open doors: 1 (+ 1 burglary)

Autos [recovered]: 9U 1242, ’51 Merc, $300.

On reflection: A lot of my time was spent rounding up and arresting public drunks – men and women. Working a downtown beat, I was surprised to find that I had only contacted one black person during the month. I was surprised that most of the persons both contacted and arrested are Scandinavian — Swedes and Norwegians. By the late 60s, that was not the case since I worked the Northside which had a large African-American population as Minneapolis experienced the “white flight” of many citizens to the suburbs during this era which resulted in a large loss of population and a greatly reduced tax base.

Feminist identity had not occurred as most of the married women I contacted identified themselves as “Mrs. John Jones” and not her given name.

Three suicide attempts on a day shift seemed high (drug of choice: Placadyl).

Many of the misdemeanor arrests, eleven of them, were not listed in my notebook except for the drunks. The first C# [case number] I received for the month was #45637 and the last was #52304 indicating 6667 case numbers were issued through during the time I worked.

The 1960 population of Minneapolis was 480,000 residents and the police department was staffed by 400-500 sworn officers. In 1961, a special election was held to increase the number of police by 100 officers. I came on with those new recruits during the first months of 1962.

On June 27th, it looks like I interrupted a burglary at 3 a.m. when it seemed I was working the day shift. The circumstance eludes me!

I am looking for more notebooks among my old papers. I am especially interested my years on the tactical squad working the night shift in 1968-69. I recall those years as quite tumultuous and challenging.

Stay tuned!







from Improving Police

Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 3/31/17

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Egg-Free Paleo Macaroons

This Egg-Free Paleo Macaroons recipe is made with 6 healthy ingredients. It contains shredded coconut, coconut flour, coconut oil, salt, vanilla, and a touch of honey and is a cinch to make. Egg-Free Paleo Macaroons are the perfect Passover treat. Especially when you have guests at your Seder following an Egg-Free Diet. We like this healthy macaroon recipe so much though, that we make it all year round!

Most macaroon recipes contain eggs. Whenever I write about our healthy Passover Seders, or post a macaroon recipe I get numerous comments from readers asking for gluten-free, egg-free macaroons. Well, here you go! Egg-Free Paleo Macaroons!

Egg-Free Paleo Macaroons
    Servings12 macaroons
    1. In a food processor, combine shredded coconut and coconut flour
    2. Pulse in salt, coconut oil, honey, and vanilla
    3. Scoop batter 1 level tablespoon at a time onto a parchment paper lined baking sheet
    4. Bake at 350°F for 7-10 minutes
    5. Cool for 1 hour
    6. Serve

    I was inspired to create the recipe above by Jenni Hulet. She created an Egg-Free Macaroons recipe which I thought looked delicious and so I had to make my own version of them.

    My younger son loves macaroons, and asks me to make them for him often. He is not a choco-holic like my husband and older son. He absolutely adores my lemon bars, and I created a lemon bar recipe for him in my first cookbook, The Gluten-Free Almond Flour Cookbook. He’s so happy when I serve my healthy Lemon Bars recipe at our Passover Seder, and I love it because like these macaroons, they’re Kosher for Passover!

    It’s so hard to find good nut-free, egg-free paleo cookie recipes, but you’re in luck with these macaroons. Here are some of my other healthy egg-free dessert recipes. They’re all Kosher for Passover too!

    This post is an oldie but goodie from the archives, I first published this recipe in 2013.

    The post Egg-Free Paleo Macaroons appeared first on Elana's Pantry.

    from Elana's Pantry

    All Time Active Posts (to date)


    Top Posts on “Improving Police” (2011 – 2016)

    1.     Why Police Matter
    2.     Making Choices: The Moral Aspects of Policing
    3.     Principles of Leadership
    4.     How a Traffic Offense Can Be a Ticket to Prison
    5.     Hazing and Bullying in the Police Academy
    6.     The Seven Necessary Steps — Step 1: Not Just For Police!
    7.     How Should Police Present Themselves?
    8.     The Four Obstacles
    9.     The Seven Improvement Steps
    10.  Can and Should Police Investigate Themselves?
    11.  On Hiring a Chief of Police
    12.  ON THIS WE STAND: Qualities of Police in a Free and Democratic Society
    13.  “Blue Courage” — Coming to a Police Station Near You?
    14.  A Problem in Madison
    15.  Thinking Outside the (Blue) Box
    16.  An Unusual Experience of Police Reform: The Republic of Georgia
    17.  Leadership and Motivation
    18.  Learning From #TonyRobinson
    19.  Setting the Tone, Casting a Vision
    20.  What About CompStat and Crime Reduction?

    from Improving Police

    Ashbury and Oak – Polygon

    Introducing Ashbury + Oak by Polygon –  Choose from  three and four bedroom townhomes in Langley’s Willoughby neighbourhood. This family community offers everything you need with retail shopping, restaurants,  recreation centres nearby.



    • Queen Anne-inspired architecture, with dramatic pitched roof lines and bay windows
    • Convenient main floor powder rooms
    • A side-by-side two car garage in every home
    • Decks or raised yards for outdoor entertaining
    • Contemporary interior design with open-plan layouts
    • Kitchens with family-sized kitchen islands, engineered stone countertops, a built-in recycling station and stainless steel appliances
    • Spa-style ensuites feature a luxurious spa-style shower with showerhead with wand and integrated bench seating
    • Warm laminate wood flooring throughout the main floor living areas
    • Nine foot ceilings on the main floor, eight-foot on upper and lower floors
    • Central Green & play areas connected with well-lit pathways
    • Access to Kinfolk House – the residents’ only resort-style clubhouse featuring a swimming pool, great room, fully-equipped fitness centre, indoor playground + much more


    The post Ashbury and Oak – Polygon appeared first on Vancouver New Condos.

    from Buildings – Vancouver New Condos

    Wednesday, March 29, 2017

    Principal's List

    Show some respect for the latest recipients of the Principal's List!

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Spring Fair Logo Making Contest

    PTA is running a competition to design the Spring Fair logo once again. Here are the guidelines. Join the fun and win vouchers!

    from Finalsite Academy News

    MS STUCO Meeting

    There will be an extra meeting of MS STUCO tomorrow. Please remember to wear your MS STUCO hoodie.

    from Finalsite Academy News

    ISTA TEAM (Blue and White)

    Date: April 10, Monday (first day back from the Spring Break)

    What: Receive ISTA Team uniforms

    Event: ISTA Photoshoot

    Venue: Black Box

    Time: 3:40-4:30 PM

    Be sure to attend the ISTA meeting on Monday for our ISTA photoshoot.

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Found item

    Found cellphone. Check at MS office please.

    from Finalsite Academy News

    HS Students' Film Wins International Award

    A documentary by International School of Beijing (ISB) high school students about an iconic local snack won three awards at the Across Asia Youth Film Festival (AAYFF) in Singapore and Shanghai last week.

    from Finalsite Academy News

    BlackBag's Mobilyze 2017 R1 Supports iOS 10.3

    BlackBag Technologies is pleased to announce the release of the latest version of our mobile device triage tool, Mobilyze 2017 R1. New features added to this version of Mobilyze are designed to enhance the overall Mobilyze user experience and increase the capabilities of Mobilyze to analyze the latest iOS and Android devices. Some of the improvements include: - Support for Apple iOS 10.3 with encrypted backups - Support for Android 7.1.1 Nougat - Support for iOS 10 third party applications, such as Kik and WhatsApp - Improved report generator

    from Forensic Focus

    Cambie Gardens Vancouver by Onni

    Coming soon to the Cambie corridor is a new development called Cambie Gardens by Onni. This stunning development is going to consist of 2,160 residential homes spread out over a 25.4 acre site. Also, included in this amazing project will be retail and commercial space, health centre, YMCA club and pool, a 2.5 acre park and the new Canada line transit station.

    Floor Plans for Cambie Gardens

    Floor plans have yet to be finalized but we can expect a wide range of unit options.

    Pricing for Cambie Gardens

    Please register and join our VIP list for early access and be the first to receive information on plans and pricing.


    The post Cambie Gardens Vancouver by Onni appeared first on Vancouver New Condos.

    from Buildings – Vancouver New Condos

    Tuesday, March 28, 2017

    567 Clarke + Como by Marcon – Availability, Plans, Prices

    External render of 567 Clarke + Como.

    At a Glance

    • Coquitlam’s tallest building
    • 364 market condominiums
    • 2 commercial units
    • 20,000 sq ft of amenity space
    • 530 underground parking spaces
    • public plaza
    • adjacent to Evergreen Line transit station
    • near Simon Fraser University
    • close to Lougheed Town Centre shopping

    Internal plaza at the centre of the 567 Clarke + Como property.

    The Intersection of Life + Style
    Marcon Developments presents 567 Clarke + Como, a striking transit-oriented landmark that brings urban convenience to relaxed suburban living. Coquitlam’s tallest building offers an attractive mix of one- to three-bedroom homes with enough density to give residents an outstanding selection of amenities, in addition to nearby golf, lakes, and trails.

    Be A Presale Condo VIP!

    Find Out About New Presales & Get Access to VIP Openings & Special Promotions!

    • Should be Empty:

    With the Evergreen Line’s Burquitlam Station just steps away, you’ll reach the West Coast Express commuter train in only one stop. Coquitlam Centre and Lougheed Town Centre are also on the line, making it a breeze to meet all of your shopping needs without the hassles of traffic and parking, doubly so if you want to meet friends at Port Moody’s booming Brewers Row when the work week is done. Given the vibrant community development we’ve seen around other transit nodes, like Marine Gateway and Brentwood, expect the selection of amenities, services, and leisure activities in the surrounding neighbourhood to only get better.

    Pricing for 567 Clarke + Como
    Marcon have not yet released final pricing details. Nevertheless, sign up to our VIP list to ensure you keep up-to-date on this remarkable opportunity to buy.

    Floor Plans for 567 Clarke + Como
    Plans call for 364 homes with a mix of 122 x 1-bedroom, 217 x 2-bedroom, and 25 x 3-bedroom condominiums. Contact me to discuss availability of plans suited to your particular living needs.

    Amenities at 567 Clarke + Como
    Residents will enjoy an exceptional selection of amenities that include a 7,600 sq ft landscaped podium rooftop with basketball court, sandbox, artificial grass for dogs, and an outdoor kitchen with barbecue area. The entire 29th floor will be a 6,650-sq ft amenity room, while the top floor Sky Lounge with outdoor rooftop patio offers a relaxing space to marvel at the stunning panoramic views. Utilize the services of the building concierge for when you aren’t available to take deliveries or greet guests.

    Parking and Storage
    567 Clarke + Como will include 449 resident and 81 visitor & commercial underground parking spaces.

    Maintenance Fees at 567 Clarke + Como
    As yet to be determined.

    Developer Team for 567 Clarke + Como
    Beginning life as a construction company has given Marcon Developments the experience to deliver homes not only of high standards, but also of high value. Homes built with extra attention to detail – where the fit and finish is just that much better. Marcon has developed some notable residences over the years, such as the first high-rise in Canada to achieve LEED certification. Building to these standards helps to future-proof your home, as well as allowing you to breathe easy from the first day you move in.

    GBL Architects is a cohesive and progressive Vancouver based firm of 38 architects, project managers and technicians with a 25-year reputation of providing a full range of architectural services to the private and public sector. The firm has built its reputation on high-quality design, tight project management, technical proficiency, financial responsibility and keen administrative skills.

    Trepp Design delivers carefully-contemplated, distinctive solutions customized to meet unique interior design needs for residential, multi-family, and commercial projects. TDI expresses individual preferences in inventive ways, leaving an iconic imprint on each environment. The team creates inspired designs with a timeless look and future-focused feel for local, national and international clients.

    Expected Completion for 567 Clarke + Como
    To be announced.

    Are you interested in learning more about other homes in Brentwood, Lougheed, or Metrotown?

    Check out these great Brentwood Presales!

    The post 567 Clarke + Como by Marcon – Availability, Plans, Prices appeared first on Mike Stewart.

    from Blog – Mike Stewart

    Cambie Gardens by Onni – Pricing & Floor Plans to Come!

    Aerial perspective of Cambie Gardens master-planned community.

    At a Glance

    • 2,160 market residences
    • building heights from 3-28 storeys
    • retail & commercial space
    • community health centre
    • YMCA with 25-metre pool & therapeutic pool
    • 69-space child care facility
    • 2.5-acre park
    • urban farm
    • new Canada Line transit station

    Healthy Community Living
    In partnership with Vancouver Coastal Health, Onni Group and IBI Group Architects are redeveloping this 25.4-acre Cambie Corridor site into an exciting mixed use, master-planned community based on the City of Vancouver’s objectives for environmental, economic, and social sustainability. To that end, Cambie Gardens will offer a variety of housing options, retail & commercial space, healthcare facilities, social & recreational opportunities, space for urban agriculture.

    Be A Presale Condo VIP!

    Find Out About New Presales & Get Access to VIP Openings & Special Promotions!

    • Should be Empty:

    Beyond the extensive amenities and services that will be available within Cambie Gardens, a new Canada Line rapid transit station to be built at 57th & Cambie will give residents exceptionally convenient access to shopping at Oakridge Centre, McArthurGlen Designer Outlets, Richmond Centre and the leisure pursuits of downtown Vancouver. A mere 12-minute jaunt to YVR puts the world at your doorstep.

    Pricing for Cambie Gardens
    Sign up above to our VIP list for priority access to availability, plans, and pricing.

    Floor Plans for Cambie Gardens
    A significant number of 2- and 3-bedroom homes appropriate for families are called for in the Cambie Gardens master plan. With Sir Wilfred Laurier and Sir Winston Churchill Secondary schools located at Heather & 57th, don’t miss out on this outstanding opportunity to raise your children with everything they’ll need in close proximity.

    Amenities at Cambie Gardens
    An extraordinary range of community amenities will be available to residents within walking distance, including a new park, urban agriculture, child care facility, YWCA, plazas & public spaces, retail businesses, commercial spaces, and a new Canada Line transit station. We are awaiting plans to be finalized that will specify what will be offered in each building.

    Parking and Storage
    Ample storage and underground parking are to be included in each building. Details will be published once they are finalized for individual buildings.

    Maintenance Fees at Cambie Gardens
    To be announced.

    Developer Team for Cambie Gardens
    The Onni Group is one of North America’s leading private real estate developers, with extensive experience designing, developing, building and managing innovative projects. As a fully-integrated company that directly oversees every step in the development process, Onni has built over 10,000 homes. In addition, the company owns and manages more than 7 million square feet of commercial property, over 5,500 rental apartment units, and has an additional 10 million square feet in various stages of development. With offices in Vancouver, Toronto, Chicago, Los Angeles, Phoenix and Mexico, Onni continues to expand and diversify into new markets throughout North America.

    IBI Group, a globally-integrated architecture, planning, engineering, and technology firm, has been retained as architects for Cambie Gardens. From high-rises to industrial buildings, schools to state-of-the-art hospitals, transit stations to highways, airports to toll systems, bike lanes to parks, they have designed every aspect of a truly integrated city for people to live, work, and play.

    Expected Completion for Cambie Gardens
    Cambie Gardens will be built in five phases. Construction and sales of Phase 1 are expected to begin in 2018.

    Are you interested in learning more about other homes in the Cambie Corridor, Mount Pleasant, or West Side?

    Check out these great Cambie Corridor Presales!

    The post Cambie Gardens by Onni – Pricing & Floor Plans to Come! appeared first on Mike Stewart.

    from Blog – Mike Stewart

    Live from ISB, this is Futures Public Radio

    It's innovative, it's investigative, and it's interactive. Introducing Futures Public Radio (FPR), a multimedia platform for student storytelling making waves at the International School of Beijing (ISB).

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Interact Club's Bean Boozled Challenge!

    The Interact club will be having a Bean Boozled Challenge during lunch! We will be selling a cup of Jelly Beans for 15 RMB. Each cup will have differently flavored (both delicious and strange flavored) Jelly Beans! The catch of the challenge is that you and your friends will never know if you're going to get caramel corn or moldy cheese; chocolate pudding or canned dog food; coconut or baby wipes! We will be selling in front of the cafeteria next to the Delimarche. See you all there!

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Flower Pick Up Reminder

    Hi everyone, tomorrow will be the final day for flower pick ups. If you would like to buy more tulips, just come by the black box before 2:25 and they will be on sale for 5 RMB each. However, roses will not be on sale.

    Any flowers not picked up by 2:25 will be moved to the back room of the library (1226) for storage.

    from Finalsite Academy News


    MS Science Café is Back!

    Friday, March 31st during lunch (12:40-1:05)

    Come learn about the endangered snow leopard and how ecologist Justine Shanti Alexander from the Snow Leopard Trust is working to save this cat.

    High School/Middle School Library Media Center

    Bring your lunch and eat while you hear from the scientist!

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Grade 8 Idol!

    Auditions for Grade 8 idol will be coming up after Spring Break! We are looking for all kids of talents, including:

    • Singers
    • Dancers
    • Groups of performers
    • Comics
    • Magic
    • MCs/Hosts
    • Production Crew (lights, sound, film, etc.)

    More information will be coming up after Spring Break, but start thinking about how you want to get involved with this exciting annual event! Start practicing your talents over Spring Break!

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Quarter 3 Stop-Motion Enrichment movie

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Simply Solo Concert Sign up

    The Simply solo concert will be held on 24th April. You still have time to prepare a music piece to play. The deadline of simply solo sign up is Tuesday 18th April at 3:30.

    Click here for more details.

    from Finalsite Academy News

    4 Types of Showerheads

    Content originally published and Shared from

    Your overall showering experience is affected by many factors. One of these is the type of showerhead you’re using. Check out four common showerhead types below:

    Standard Wall-Mount Showerhead
    The most economical option, standard wall-mount showerheads can be adjusted slightly by moving the shower neck. Models that offer varying spray types fit the needs of most users. Source: BHG

    Hand-Held Showerhead
    A hand-held showerhead is connected to a long hose and it sit in a cradle when it is not in your hand. Handheld showerheads can be used as a fixed shower head but when taken off the cradle they can be used for much more, like bathing pets, washing children, and even for cleaning the tub.
    Hand-held showerheads are available in many different lengths of hose but to meet ADA compliance they must be at least 84” long. The longer the hose the more convenient but it could get in the way of the tub. Hoses between 60” and 72” work well for the average home. Source: Plumbing.About

    Ceiling-Mount Showerhead
    The ceiling-mount or top-mount showerhead is installed on the ceiling. The spray of this type of showerhead is reminiscent of rain, as water comes from directly overhead. Ceiling-mount showerheads come in many shapes and sizes. Some models can also be mounted flush to the ceiling, which is great for bathrooms with low ceiling heights. Source: Property24

    Aerating Showerhead
    By mixing air with water, these showerheads form a misty spray to make the flow feel more substantial. Laminar-flow showerheads form individual streams of water instead. On the models we tested, aeration cooled the water from 5 to 15 degrees F on its way from the showerhead to where it would hit your back. Laminar-flow showerheads may cost a little more, but they save energy by maintaining the water temperature better. And they don’t create as much steam and moisture, a plus especially if you live in a humid region. Source: ConsumerReports

    Step up your shower experience by trying out a new type of showerhead! Contact us!


    Perfect Bath
    Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
    Calgary, Alberta

    The post 4 Types of Showerheads appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

    from Perfect Bath Canada

    3 Factors to Consider When Choosing Window Treatments

    There are many factors to consider when choosing which type of window treatment you’d like to get for your home. Here are three of them:

    Image Source: Flickr

    Unlike many years ago, window coverings are available in a variety of different styles. Your choices include wood blinds, cellular shades, woven wood shades, pleated shades, shutters and draperies. While many people will choose the same wood blind or shade for every room in their house, that isn’t always the best idea.
    A better idea is to consider what each room is being used for and then choose your window coverings based on that.
    For example, bathrooms and bedrooms require more privacy then let’s say your kitchen. For those rooms you should look for coverings that room-darkening features. Not only will that help to block the sun on those summer mornings when you want to sleep in but the sun rises at 6 AM, but it will also block anyone from seeing into your room. Another benefit is that in the summer the room-darkening shades will block out the heat and the winter they will block out the cold. Source: SheBudgets

    Are you outfitting just one window or the entire house? You may consider spending more on certain windows and scaling back on others. Window treatments are priced by size, so expect larger treatments to cost more. Custom sizes and specialty fabrics, patterns, and features also add to the cost. Source: GoodHousekeeping

    Window’s Exposure
    Windows that are facing towards the east or south can produce large amounts of heat and sunlight. This can cause furniture, carpeting and other areas of the home to fade if some level of sun blockage is not used. Source: AngiesList

    Still haven’t decided? Contact us and we’ll be more than happy to help you out!


    Universal Blinds
    601 – 1550 W. 10th Ave
    Vancouver, V6J 1Z9, Canada
    Phone: (604) 559-1988

    The post 3 Factors to Consider When Choosing Window Treatments appeared first on Universal Blinds, Shades & Shutters.

    from Universal Blinds, Shades & Shutters

    HFH Gongcha Boba Sale

    Hi everyone!
    HFH will be having a Gongcha Boba sale this Friday March 31st in the cafeteria during lunch! They will be 25 rmb for one and you will be able to get an HFH themed sticker with cute designs along with the Boba! Come support!

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Efficiency review of UK police

    Source: Efficiency review of UK police

    from Improving Police


    Monday, March 27, 2017

    Futures Academy 3-Day Sale

    Come one, come all to Futures Academy 3-Day Sale taking place in the cafeteria during lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week. For their Entrepreneurship Project, the FA students have started their own businesses and they will be selling their products or services in order to raise funds for the SMILE WEEK campaign. Both students and parents are invited to participate in this worthy cause.

    Here is a list of products and services that will be for sale:

    ·Custom T-Shirts, MacBook and iPhone Cases

    ·Song Requests during lunch hour

    ·Organizational / Cleaning Services for your classroom or locker

    ·Stress Balls & Cubes

    ·Yummy Lemonade, Slushies, Bubble Tea, Healthy Snacks and Henna Tattoos

    ·Advertising Company for your advertising needs

    ·Homemade bath bombs, candles, Lip Balms, Perfume, etc.

    ·Portable battery packs and IOS trouble-shooting service

    ·Gaming Competition Sign-Up

    Thank you for supporting the FA students in their challenge to raise money for SMILE WEEK.

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Top secret message for your HR

    Dear Teachers,

    Please click on the link for your grade level Homeroom and watch a top secret message for your HR. Feel free to forward the video to find your Homerooms special message.

    Kind regards,

    Ms. Knox & Mr. Stewart

    Grade 6 (running time- 6:54)

    Grade 7 (running time- 10:03)

    Grade 8 (running time -8:40)

    MS Music & Language (running time- 11:47)

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Track and Field Results

    Congratulations MS Track and Field Athletes!! Here are results of the top three places. Complete results posted outside Ms. Mo's room, 2127.

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Everly Green – Qualico

    A new Collection of Willoughby, Langley Townhomes & Single Family Homes.

    This wonderful new community of 54 townhomes and 36 single family homes is coming soon to Willoughby.

    Ideally located at the 82nd Avenue and 204B Streets, this unique community features a shared common greenspace and is bordered on 2 sides by a nature belt. The townhomes will feature 2, 3 and 3+den plans, with either yards or roof top decks. The single family homes will feature 4 bedroom + den or 5 bedroom + den plans, some offering master on main living.

    Each home at Everly Green has been thought through carefully and  equipped with fixtures and finishes to give you enjoyment to give you peace of mind, from the Kitchen to the Laundry room!
    Each home is equipped with brand name appliances, they will not let you down.
    Beautiful  natural surroundings and mountain views make Everly Green the perfect place to call home.

    The post Everly Green – Qualico appeared first on Vancouver New Condos.

    from Buildings – Vancouver New Condos

    5 Reasons You Can’t Train High School Athletes Like Pros

    Today's guest post comes from Cressey Sports Performance coach, Tony Bonvechio.

    Like many strength and conditioning coaches, I entered the fitness industry thinking I wanted to train professional athletes. I’m lucky that I get to do exactly that on a daily basis, but I quickly discovered that some of the most rewarding coaching experiences have come from training high school athletes.


    Sure, watching your clients play on TV is awesome, but your potential to help a younger, less established athlete can reach far beyond the field of play. Bumping a big leaguer’s fastball from 92mph to 95mph might help him land a bigger contract, but helping a 9th grader make the junior varsity team can build confidence and self esteem that is literally life changing.

    That said, high schoolers and professionals have drastically different training needs. This sounds obvious, but you’d be surprised how many coaches promise the world to high school athletes by helping them “train like the pros,” only to see minimal results. Here are five reasons you can’t train little Johnny or Jane like their favorite pro athletes, even if it seems like good marketing:

    1. They’re Not Strong Enough for Fancy Stuff Yet

    Athletes ages 13-18 comes in all shapes, sizes and strength levels. Some look like babies while others look like they’re ready for the NFL combine, but most fall into the former category. These athletes usually struggle to perform elementary movements like squats, push-ups and lunges. They’ve got no business working on fancy change of direction drills or contrast training protocols until they’ve mastered the basics.

    “Just get strong” is a common strength coach copout, but in this case it has merit. As my fellow CSP coach Greg Robins often says, think of athletic potential as a pool of water. The stronger the athlete, the more water they have in the pool. The more powerful the athlete, the faster they can draw water out of that pool. While power is of utmost importance for team sports, if your pool of water is shallow, it doesn’t matter how fast you draw it out. Strength is still the foundation of most athletic qualities, making it the most trainable quality for young athletes.

    It’s certainly possible for a pro athlete to be “strong enough” to the point where they won’t improve much athletically by adding 50 pounds to their deadlift, but for a younger athlete, that might be exactly what he or she needs before they can cash in on more advanced training methods.


    2. They Need Less Loading for the Same Strength Gains

    Novice trainees can get stronger with as little as 40-50% of their 1-rep max. On the other hand, more experienced lifters need a ton of submaximal volume and frequent exposures to heavy training loads (above 90 percent of 1RM) to keep gaining strength. And while not every pro athlete is an experienced lifter, they’ll likely have more training experience than a high school athlete.

    What’s the point?

    Teenagers get strong without much work. Don’t test 1RMs when you can gain with lighter weights.
    Click To Tweet

    3. They (Hopefully) Play Multiple Sports

    Young athletes have the opportunity to play multiple sports during the year, while virtually no pro athletes do that anymore. The days of Bo Jackson and Deion Sanders are long gone, so while the pros get to focus on the specific physical demands of their sport year round, high schoolers are likely playing several sports with drastically different requirements in terms of strength, power and endurance.

    What happens if we have a high school athlete who plays football in the fall, basketball in the winter and baseball in the spring? There’s no defined off-season, making periodization much trickier. A pro baseball pitcher may not pick up a baseball from October to January, but for someone who constantly has games and practices, you can’t block training into specific physical qualities. A concurrent training approach (i.e. training endurance, strength and power all at once) or “concurrent with emphasis” (where you prioritize endurance, strength or power but touch upon the others to preserve them) becomes a necessity.

    What about exercise selection? We know the bench press is great for football, but not ideal for baseball. We know distance running doesn’t do much for baseball, but may have merit for basketball. And what if he or she plays two sports at once (i.e. AAU basketball overlapping the other two high school seasons)? We can no longer speak in absolutes or make generalized exercise contraindications when it comes to developing a well-rounded athlete.

    Yes, more young athletes are specializing at a younger age. We can do our part by influencing them to play multiple sports as long as possible, but we can also design well-rounded programs that expose them to dormant movement patterns and untapped strength qualities rather than always being laser focused on training for their primary sport.

    4. There are Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen

    When too many cooks contribute to one dish, it won’t taste good. With high school athletes, you’ve got a lot of cooks (i.e. influences) in their kitchen (i.e. athletic career), making it difficult to create a cohesive dish worth tasting. It’s our job as the strength and conditioning coach to be the objective taste tester and adjust overall training stress to optimize performance.

    Parents, teachers, coaches and friends influence every move an athlete makes on and off the field. It’s tough to get everyone on the same page. It’s common to hear an athlete say their coach wants them to get faster, their parents wants them to get more flexible and their teachers want them to study more and work out less. Who’s a teenager supposed to listen to?

    In this case, it comes down to asking the right questions. I’ve learned that just by asking how an athlete is doing outside the gym can unveil the bigger picture. I’ve had a baseball player confess to performing upwards of four extra workouts a week because they’re participating in off-season training with the football team, all while getting less than five hours of sleep while studying for exams. This athlete is far from ready to hit in hard in the gym and it’s my job to adjust his training.

    Ignorance is NOT bliss as the strength coach; keep tabs on ALL stressors in an athlete’s life.
    Click To Tweet

    Ask questions and get to know how an athlete’s lifestyle can affect their performance.

    5. They Have Lackluster Recovery

    Piggybacking on the last point, most high school athletes don’t recover from training as if their sport was their job. And that’s because it’s not. While most pro athletes are unrecovered too (they’re essentially third-shift workers with insane travel schedules), high school athletes don’t have a paycheck riding on their performance. So they stay up too late, eat Doritos and Skittles for lunch and don’t think twice about it.


    Great athletes live and die by their routines. Pro athletes especially settle into a daily routine that makes them feel ready to compete, from showing up to the field or court at the same time every day, to eating specific meals, to wearing the same sweaty socks for every game. A high school athlete may fly by the seat of his or her pants unless told otherwise, so we can guide them toward a routine that includes quality training, nutrition and sleep.

    Take the time to educate your young athletes on the importance of simple recovery methods like foam rolling, eating enough protein and getting to bed before 10 p.m. They may not appreciate it immediately, but once they feel the difference in physical and mental performance, they’ll be more likely to recover like it's their job.


    It’s tempting to use aggressive loading and exotic exercise selection with young athletes, but they rarely need either of them. The basics work for a reason and you’ll see success with surprisingly simple protocols if coached and performed diligently.

    For more insight on how we train high school athletes at CSP, join me and Greg Robins on April 1-2 at The Annex Sports Performance Center in Chatham, NJ, for our 2-day seminar, “Complete Preparation for High School Athletes”. This seminar will equip coaches and trainers with the physical and mental tools needed to provide a comprehensive training experience for high school athletes of all sports and abilities. To register, CLICK HERE.

    About the Author

    Tony Bonvechio (@BonvecStrength) is a strength and conditioning coach at the Hudson, MA location of Cressey Sports Performance. More of his writing can be found on

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    from Eric Cressey | High Performance Training, Personal Training