Thursday, April 6, 2017

Trouble in the Ranks

I find trouble in the ranks of my new department…

An excerpt from book, Arrested Development:

Within a few weeks after taking over the department, I went about the task of interviewing all the department leaders. It was an eye-opening experience. While the top leaders of the department were bright and above-average in intelligence, most all had a very narrow view of the police function, and very few of them could articulate what needed to be done to reduce the acrimony between the police department and the student and racial minority communities. Most of them strongly defended the past and simply could not consider doing anything different than they had. But I knew that somehow, we had to change our practices to keep peace in the city. I also came to see that peacekeeping was as needed inside the department as it was in the community…

Many Madison residents really didn’t know how backward their police department was as I assumed command at the end of 1972.

Sure, Madison was not a city plagued by overt “east-coast-style” corruption, but it had its problems and its corrupt practices as I was soon to learn.

That learning almost cost me my job – and, ultimately, my career.

Read more HERE.

from Improving Police

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