Wednesday, July 5, 2017

How to Make the Most of Your Lat Stretches (Video)

I have a love/hate relationship with the lats. On one hand, you need strong lats for all sorts of athletic endeavors, from throwing to sprinting. On the other hand, if they're too overactive, a host of different injuries/conditions can result. With that in mind, preserving full latissimus dorsi length is important, and that's why we incorporate a lot of stretches on this front. It's important that those stretches are done correctly, though, and in today's video, I want to discuss one big mistake we commonly see in this regard.

Speaking of upper body work, you'd enjoy checking out some of my good friend Tony Gentilcore's work on this front in the now-on-sale Complete Shoulder and Hip Blueprint. It's on sale for $100 off through the end of the day today. You can learn more HERE.

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from Eric Cressey | High Performance Training, Personal Training

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